What first comes to mind when hearing the word Jakarta?

The town is not friendly, bustling, "messy", too busy, jams, flooding, dense, even uncomfortable. Most of you will probably think so. Therefore, it becomes a natural thing when the citizens of Jakarta took off out of the city, for example, on vacation in Bandung or Bogor mainly to rest himself from prolonged stress.

Your assumption is not entirely clear right or wrong. The reason has a lot of modern urban infrastructure, Jakarta seems to have had a variety of tourist attractions that are not less interesting. Of course, "traveled" to Jakarta not only have associated with the proliferation of malls in Jakarta. After all, in fact, there are a lot of really sights in Jakarta in addition to the mall, as well as the nature coast of Jakarta, historic sights, culinary attractions, education, up to hangout.

Want to know what are the recommendations of tourist attractions in Jakarta must-see? Here is a list of recommended sites in Jakarta you must visit!

1. National Monument (Monas)

Who the hell Jakarta residents who did not know the monument?

At first, 132-meter-high monument is indeed established to commemorate the struggle of the people of Indonesia. Well, even the icon of Jakarta-Indonesia-this one is popular to be a layer of pure gold in the "flames of his". Oh yes, reportedly, Monas is the building with the highest peak in Jakarta, you know! In fact, it is said there should be no tall buildings which exceed Monas ...

Monas itself open to the public: open from eight in the morning until three in the afternoon, except at the end of the month following Monday. Want to travel history? You can visit the base of the monument, the National History Museum Indonesia-to know the ins and outs of the struggle of Indonesia. However, if you want to enjoy the panoramic view from the height of Jakarta, it is advisable to try out the ride to the top of the monument altitude of 115 meters by using the elevator.

2. Arts Museum

Status as the center of the city and the government, do not be surprised if Jakarta "rich" will be historic buildings. Well, once upon a time, you can learn the history of Jakarta by visiting the various kinds of museums in Jakarta.

For example, the National Museum. There, you can find more than 100 thousand objects collection includes archaeological remains, ceramics, prehistoric times, and many more. Shifting from the National Museum, do not hesitate to enter the Fatahillah Museum located in the old city area. However, the tourist attractions in Jakarta, this one is the best place to explore many things related to the history of the city of Jakarta.

Do not forget also the presence of various other museums, like the Museum of Bank Indonesia, the Puppet Museum, the Textile Museum, Museum Park Inscription, and many more.

3. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII)

Indonesia is a multicultural country. In it, there are a variety of cultural property, art, customs, and religion and belief. Well, to improve your multicultural spirit, let's come to visit the region soon Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII).

Do not have far to come to Padang or Papua. After all, the whole "miniature" culture, you can immediately see in this area. No wonder, if the tourist attractions in Jakarta which one is most suitable enjoyed with friends and people nearby.

The addition of cultural tourism, TMII has a variety of interesting rides that can direct you to enjoy. The lazy river pool in the form of Snow Bay, Wildlife Among Puro, a cable car, and the various educational museum that is suitable for your child's education.

4. Ragunan Zoo

Encourage your child to know and love the sustainability of protected animals from an early age. As a first step, bring them to the Ragunan Zoo, South Jakarta. With an area of 147 hectares, the tourist attractions in Jakarta has more than two thousand animals and 50 thousand trees.

Entry ticket itself are cheap and affordable. With Rp 5 thousand rupiah course, you can invite your child around the garden, see the animals, to climb a variety of rides like trains perimeter, double bicycle, and so forth.

Established in 1864, Ragunan Zoo itself are older. Well, as an information-advised not to give food to the animals in it, yes. After all, this is all in order to maintain the safety of the animals in it.

5. Thousand Islands

Based in north Jakarta, there are many tourist attractions that can be visited when stopped by the Thousand Islands. Bears the name "thousand", a cluster of islands is definitely too much. Well, for your information, some of the popular Thousand Islands region, namely: Angel Island, Tidung, Pari Island, Hope Island, and much more.

With family or significant others, there are many activities you can do in the Thousand Islands. These include diving, snorkeling, camping, banana boat, or simply stroll to enjoy the moment of sunset. Interestingly, you do not even need to bother. The reason, some regions in the Thousand Islands already has a variety of facilities and accommodation that facilitate visitors.

6. Jakarta Old Town

No wonder, if the atmosphere of the old city is always crowded on weekends. The reason, is because of the availability of a variety of spots are pretty even able to "support" your selfie activity. Imagine, a row of shops, buildings, old houses to decorate the entire area of ​​the old city. Not to mention, the existence of a variety of attractions and activities, as well as art exhibitions, nobar (watch together), a unique musician, etc.

In addition to presenting the beauty in every corner, the old city is one of the most popular historical tourist destinations, especially in Jakarta. Through the existence of diverse adjacent museum, you can see and learn a lot of knowledge of history in the past.

Moreover, in the tourist attractions in Jakarta this one there are also plenty of shops, restaurants, and cafes that sell many old school no less typical culinary delights. For example, you can taste typical dishes directly with a stop first at Cafe Batavia Cafe Gazebo-or even buy it directly in a variety of snack pitchman, such as egg crust, gado-gado, until the ice pieces.

7. Chinatown Glodok

Not far from the old city, you will be invited to surround china town-or Chinatown Jakarta. Simply put, this is where people of Chinese descent living and children and grandchildren. Well as information, Glodok Chinatown itself is the largest Chinatown area in Indoneisa. In fact, its existence is touted as one of the "movers" economic wheels Jakarta until now, you know!

Because some of the buildings still maintained until now, do not be surprised if down the Chinatown area of Glodok as "carry" you go back to the past. There, you can visit various temple, monastery building, buying drugs in store legacy, to direct tasting culinary trademark. Nevertheless, it is advisable to remain cautious. The reason, some kind of food there nonhalal classified.

8. Setu Babakan

If some of the tourist spots in the top in the category of colonial history, now is the time to learn the culture of indigenous people of Jakarta by visiting Kampung Betawi in Setu Babakan. The location itself, is set to become the heritage area of Jakarta, you know.

There, not only diverse cultural heritage of the original buildings of Betawi. More than that, you will also be invited to know and watch the original Betawi culture, ranging from how to grow crops, to trade, to make crafts and traditional foods. As in this area there is also a huge lake that becomes a means of recreation. Not bad, right, sit back while enjoying the beauty of the lake ...

9. Nature Park Angke Kapuk

Enjoy the comfort of an afternoon walk while surrounded by mangroves in Pantai Indah Kapuk, North Jakarta. Well, at least there are a variety of other activities you can do in one of the tourist attractions in Jakarta, the most interesting, as well as a boat ride, or even contribute to the preservation of the environment by planting mangroves.

10. Parks Suropati

The extent is not as big as nine sites in Jakarta which have been mentioned above. However, you can go Suropati Park, Menteng-for simply exercising or just unwind. The air is cool and the beautiful atmosphere of a variety of mature trees are guaranteed to soothe and refresh your mind. Not to mention, about the usual variety of activities were held, such as musical performances, practice the violin, painting course, up to several community meetings Jakarta.

That recommendation sights in Jakarta besides mall mynaturalbeauty92.tk version. Tourist attractions in Jakarta where would you like to visit? Share yuk!

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